Autonomous Wall Cutting with An Atlas Humanoid Robot
Atlas humanoid robot performs the task of wall cutting. An operator was only required to give supervisory-level commands to order/request...

Autonomous Valve Turning with An Atlas Humanoid Robot
Atlas humanoid robot performs the task of fast valve turning. An operator was only required to issue a supervisory command to launch...

Pick and Place with an Atlas Humanoid Robot
Atlas humanoid robot performs the task of pick and place objects into basket. An operator was only required to give supervisory-level...

DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Final
I was one of the Team HKU members participating in the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Final held in June 2015 at Pomona, California,...

Team HKU prepares for DARPA Robotics Challenge
The video recorded the preparation made by team HKU prior to the DARPA Robotics Challenge Trials in the lab of the Advanced Robotics...

Turtlebot Traffic Sign Navigation
The video shows the simulation of a mobile robot (turtlebot) moving according to the traffic signs. The robot was controlled by a fully...

Simulate Unmanned Ground Vehicle with Manipulator Turning A Valve Stem
The Video shows an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (at the initial stage of the production) to locate and reach a panel, and operate a valve stem...

Simulate ARES Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Landing on Moving Vehicle
The video shows an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to locate, track and land on a moving vehicle

Simulate Atlas Grasping in Gazebo
Atlas Humanoid Robot performs grasping technic in the Simulation with Human Assistance

DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Trial - Team HKU
Team HKU participated in DARPA Robotics Challenge Trial and awarded twelfth in the competition. The DRC is a competition of robot systems...